Level 9 Computing Extention Basic ================================= The Level 9 Extention Basic adds some keywords to the Basic command set of the Nascom ROM Basic 4.7. It comes on tape in a format to relocate it to the needs of the user: All of the original documents are lost, but here is what we know: 1. Start: ED000 If D000 was given as the argument to relocation. J cold start basic Extention Basic needs to run in ROM laufen or you have to calculate the "Memory Size" while starting Basic. 2. The new Extention Basic keywords: AUTO start_line, line_increment RENUMBER startline, increment DELAY milliseconds ; delay for xxx milliseconds PUT CALL TRACE 1 | 0 ; enable/disable tracing XLIST GET CHECK VDU DEC SPEED XREF INKEY variable ; wait for a key and returns the ascii code TEST COPY INLIN BREAK ELSE IF condition THEN statement: ELSE statement LINE PLOT TRAP EDIT line_number ; edit a basic line FIND DELETE REDUCE REPEAT UNTIL WHILE WEND HEX